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Beginning win of 2023

23 April 2023 Beginning win of RS(J-CUP -2)

This is the beginning win of RS this year. We started with J-CUP -2 against Chiba Hawks in Sammu.
An all round performance from our stars in the ground shows the potential . HASnat - The Name - A fast, destructive, and fearsome pace bowler who have his brutal pace and renowned for his perfect yorkers to the batsmen start his first ball wickets today. The team efforts was superb in the ground with smooth captaincy. The man who decided to shows his skills, ability and potential from the beginning is none other than MD Alamgir. His genuine all round performance makes us smile. Congratulations STARS for todays victory . Hope for the best.
Alamgir - 3 /14 30 Runs
HASnat - 3/19 - 11 Runs

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